
Posted on Jul 24, 2020

Writing product emails

In this video, I am going through my process of writing product emails (not marketing emails) as a UX Writer.

Watch video on YouTube

Topics covered:

  • What are product emails?
  • Subject line
  • Preheaders
  • Body
  • Alt-text
  • ARIA labels
  • Email size


Fast.com content redesign case study

In this case study, I have described my process of designing the Fast.com site. Through a mix of user interviews, iterative writing, and testing, my goal was to make the site simpler and easier even for non-technical users.

Note: I have zero knowledge of the business and user problems that the organization was trying to solve and what might have influenced their content decisions. So, please consider the case study as my humble opinion.

Read Fast.com content redesign case study

Email preheaders

Oftentimes, preheaders in product emails are overlooked or written by the developers or left empty. The preheader text displays in the inbox after the subject line to give the reader a better idea of whether or not to open an email. By including preheader text in the email header, we can use the opportunity to further entice your users into opening your email.


Feature and page description

The descriptions used throughout this page had several inconsistencies and didn’t convey the capabilities of the feature. These inconsistencies impacted the feature adoption.


Confirmation popup

Though I detest confirmation popups I do believe in using them effectively based on severity and complexity of user action. In this action, I intend to emphasize on two crucial consequences, 1. The content is moving from one stage to other 2. At the same time, it is impacting the end users


Snackbar success message

To design an effective snackbar, I decided to convey the action status as early as possible in the sentence. Since snackbars appear only for a couple of seconds, I started the message with the verb that can convey the status.

snackbar success message

Feature explanation and confirmation popup

When we first introduced on-premise deployment for enterprise customers, I wanted to explain the feature in as few words as possible. After trying out a few versions and research we landed on this one. Though the copy isn’t as simple as I wanted, it was necessary to include technical terms to get the point across.

Feature explanation popup

Continuity using words

To ensure continuity, I used the same word “User Action” that led to the creation process in the first place.


Error message

Feedback from customers showed that they were not able to resolve their mistake using the error message. The new error message involved collaborating with the developers and a complete rework.
